Pokud chcete měřit teplotu v domácnosti nebo na pracovišti, ať už se jedná o vnitřní nebo vnější teplotu. Další užití je např. měření teploty v sauně, při zavařování nebo třeba grilování či uzení.
Capillary flue gas thermometer TKS is intended to be used for direct measuring of flue gas temperature in fireplace flue
The flue gas thermometer TRS is built for direct measurement of flue gas temperature. Thermometer is designed to fit into the smoke pipe of fireplace or solid fuel stoves. For TRS thermometer, the recommended stem insertion depth is all the way in and the gauge must be tightly pressed to the mounting attachment. Thermometer has a temperature range of 0 - 450 ° C. Measurement accuracy is ± 2% of the scale.
This wall thermometer with print is designed for indoor temperature measurement. Temperature is measured via the bimetallic system, which means that the thermometer does not need any energy source. The thermometer design can be customized to the customer's needs. - custom digital print - ecology and economy friendly - does not need an additional energy source - suitable as a gift or promotional item - digital print is suitable only for plastic board - laser print is available for wooden or slate board
Thermometer DTOK is intended for measurement of outdoor temperature. The thermometer has circular shape and mounting arm for installation e.g. on the window frame. The thermometer can be arbitrary turned around its axis for easier reading. A company logo can be printed on thermometer dial.
Thermometer is intended for measurement of indoor temperature. Its marked dial provides easy readability. The thermometer can also serve as a efficient promotional item – a company logo can be printed on dial. Thermometer is manufactured in silver colour.
Thermometer is intended for installation in a smokehouse, barbecue or grill. Recommended temperature areas for smoking, now so popular barbecue or grilling are highlighted at marked dial.
Thermometer DTD 2 is intended for temperature measurement during sterilization of fruit, vegetable, mushrooms, etc. in specified temperature range.
Thermometer T 120 S is intended for using in sauna. Red field on marked dial shows recommended temperature for sauna.
Thermometer T 120 N is intended for hanging on the wall at home, in workplace or for measurement of outdoor temperature. Its marked dial provides easy readability even at great distance.
Wall bimetallic thermometer is intended and designed for hanging on the wall. Its marked dial provides easy readability even at great distance. Thermometer case is made from plastics in white colour. The thermometer can also serve as a efficient promotional item – a company logo can be printed on dial.