
Dear customers,

we prepared system of pictographs for your easier orientation in our products. These pictographs represent the most important parameters and you can find them under the short description of products in overview. More detailed specification including manual can be found at particular products.

Heat cost allocators, water meters

 Data can be read visually from LCD or water meter odometer, visual reading can be realized by flat-dweller.
Data can be read via infra-red interface using special reading unit.
 Data can be read remotely via radio interface using mobile reading unit. Enter to the flat is not required for this reading method.

Thermostats, thermal cutouts, thermometers, manometers

 Scale range (thermometers, manometers) or control range (thermostats, thermal cutouts). If more variants are available, pictograph shows minimal and maximal values.
 Values (range) of rated voltage product can be used for. If more variants are available, pictograph shows minimal and maximal values.
 Values (range) of current that can continuously pass through product or that can be controlled by product without product failure. If more variants are available, pictograph shows minimal and maximal values.
 Hodnoty (případně rozsah) délky stonku. V případě více provedení produktu označuje minimální a maximální hodnoty krajních variant.
 Values (range) of capillary length (including thermal sensor). If more variants are available, pictograph shows minimal and maximal values.